lauantai 24. elokuuta 2024

School kind of learning for adults

 If it is actually an adult who needs some learning or school like study situations, it ay be for example 15min of some reminding of hwalthy ways of living or of how to get some school like rationality to the daily lufe when such is needed. So the study times vary. Some may need new habits, while some needs just reminding of old scjool time's perspectives etc. So people could start by collecting such things that thry have found, and so see what the situation becomes like, is that enpugh, what forms should things have, is there anything especially needed, do these things form block like study subjects for different purpises, for different ages etc. 

For learnkng healthy ways of living, also in tropics, and also if some near relative has been ill, one could start with .

About gaining position there is quite in the beginning of my text at link from 

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